Sunday, April 20, 2008

Conversation about Long Distance

"But I like him.......and he seems that likes me too". So? There's no future with him.... You're going away for the summer, he's staying here.... He'll eventually forget you and all about you guys....

"No....but...he's not like that. No, no I don't think he's like that. He says he can wait. He says its the first time a woman means so much to him". Maybe I don't know men that much, but I know a lot when it comes to people in to me its more likely that he's just excited now. He is IN love, but its not possible for him to LOVE you, that fast.... or is it?

You met in his city.... you both created a good connection... But you had to leave... you kept in touch by the internet.... He came to see you... yeah, I know 15 hours drive... then Christmas, yeah he kept in touch, you did too.... Then you went to see him.... Now you are away from each other again... Isn't it a little bit too early to think that he really means it when he says he loves you?

No, no don't take me wrong, I don't mean to sound mean...I am not saying he's lying... I am saying that distance sweetens everything, distance makes everything look perfect...distance creates in our head this perfect person....which is made only of the good times you had together... You're not able to have bad times together though...Because each time you see each other, is so little, you don't have time to fight, you only have time to taste each others love, affection and existence next you... So this perfect person is been stuck in your head...

And then when the daily routine with this person comes.... Things will be different... more 'boring'... But that would be great, if you actually make it to spend your daily routine together. Now we're talking about a few steps behind this stage...

You still don't know what's gonna happen during the summer. If this is going to last... And then there are also all those girls looking for 'meat' during the summer... And he's great with women... He knows what to say... He knows how they think... Is it worth it, to go through this...? "But he said he doesn't care about the craziness of the summer.... He comes from a place where its summer all year long, its not a big deal for him.... He says he's willing to wait.... He says that good things are always hard to happen, and hard to maintain.... He says we're not gonna have distance as a problem for our whole lives...He says he's willing to wait...He scares me..."

Yeah, it looks more like "over-excitement" in my eyes. And based on what he has told you, this is the first time he feels that way... He's obviously way too positive about it, and thinks he'll feel this way forever, and makes promises to you...

You know the danger when people are too sure about their feelings and tell the other person about those feelings... The other person believes them.... and then when those feelings change, you end up being disappointed and you lose the world under your feet, because you didn't expect them to change, you believed in what they told you....and then you're devastated.... Am I being pessimistic or just realistic?

I dont know. I am just trying to help you. :( He loves you....and its obvious. :) You love him, and you keep it well hidden inside. Why? Because you're scared? Because I told you the bad side of the situation?

....And then people will judge you...For the difference of your skin....for the difference of your backgrounds. I know you don't care, I wouldn't care if I was you either.

But then here come the practical problems.... Lets say, you put aside all problems this 'falling in love' process might have, and hypothetically he does love you for sure, he is faithful for fact.. then what you guys have starts getting more serious. And from what he says.. he wants that 'serious' thing to happen between you and him. What about you? And lets say you do want it too. I am gonna go a little bit too far now, but i think you should also think about this one too... The kids... I am sure you want to have kids. How are they going to be raised....What language...What culture...? What beliefs? He's not very much into religion, you prefer your kids to be raised like this though? The kids? Your mom will not be able to understand him...She doesn't speak his language. You wont be able to understand his mom, you dont speak her language... And where are you gonna raise your kids? His country? Your country? Am I frustrating you?

I am sorry, I just want to help you, I just want to 'open your eyes', to help you not go blind because of love....Because I am scared that something bad can happen to you and screw up your life.... And we've talked about this, you don't want this. You don't want to continue living the same path some of your relatives took in life.... You don't want your kids to live the way you lived your life, without a male figure... You need to make good choices... And I am here to help you.

"How though....". I don't know, I am not an expert. I am just trying to make you look at all sides of the situation... The obvious ones, and the hidden ones...

I think I should stop thinking.... "I think so too.....".
*What do you think about this article?**I would love to read your comments! Either your agree with me or reject my thoughts, either it is a sentence, or a paragraph….your comment is always welcome!*

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