Thursday, November 12, 2009

Memories of childhood

So I lived my life alone, without anyone that I could really talk to, until I had an accident with my plane in the Desert of Sahara, six years ago. Something was broken in my engine. And as I had with me neither a mechanic nor any passengers, I set myself to attempt the difficult repairs all alone. It was a question of life or death for me: I had scarcely enough drinking water to last a week.
The first night, then, I went to sleep on the sand, a thousand miles from any human habitation. I was more isolated than a shipwrecked sailor on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Thus you can imagine my amazement, at sunrise, when I was awakened by an odd little voice. It said:
"If you please — draw me a sheep!"
"Draw me a sheep!"

"Possibly the most beautiful book of the twentieth century, the Little Prince will appeal to the hearts of adults and children alike. It tells the story of a little prince, who falls to earth from a star, and of the airman, stranded in the desert by the crash of his place, who seeks to understand the prince's secret. The premise is simple and the story simply told, and yet Saint-Exupery creates a tale that is full of poignancy and hope.

As the little prince journeys the planets around his own home, Asteroid B612, he encounters a variety of individuals: the Conceited Man, the King, the Accountant, the Drunkard, the Geographer and the Lamplighter. Each one becomes a parable of human nature: or rather, the nature of adults. The Little Prince is a story about childhood, mortality (made all the more poignant by the fact that Saint-Exupery died in action in WW2, the year after the book's publication), friendship, love, hope and the magic in our lives that we are at risk of losing as we grow older. For me it held enormous personal emotional value.

For a so-called 'children's book,' this is one that will live with you for the rest of your life."
(cribbed from Amazon)

I started looking for the Little Prince book, but surprise surprise I don't have it anymore...! It's 11pm right now but I am having this strong desire to re-read the book that changed my way of thinking.... So for all of you who want to read the Little Prince and for some reason, either because you don't have the time or money to buy/borrow it or simply because you couldn't find it, here is a link where you can read it online (yayy). Enjoy!

Monday, November 9, 2009

When looking sick looks beautiful

This is a MUST see for the fake beauty ideal/standard the media is selling us.

"I am really disgusted with Ralph Lauren not just for the school yard bully approach to criticism, but the photo-shopped image is really misogynist and I am not the kind of woman that is constantly beating that drum, but now SKINNY is not ....enough? We... need to lose our ribs and internal organs to be attractive? The girl looks sickly. We wonder how our daughters get such poor images of themselves when this is what company's find acceptable"

So I was listening to the Radio a few weeks ago and the reporter was talking about Ralph Lauren and his new model and a front page of a magazine with this model... Then I heard about a blog that posted some hardcore criticism on what the image of the magazine depicts and Ralph Lauren himself and how he tried to close the blog's "mouth".... Too bad for him Canadian Laws allow freedom of web-speech (if that even exists). I posted the same comment with a link from that blog and the incident on a social website I follow and I am re-posting it here as well... Just go the link and read the blog article... Lets see what your reaction would be... :P

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Goofy Goober (<---yes I am a link, click on me)

"So I have this skrit... purple and gray horizontal stripes. I love it. I used to love it, anyways. It ties in the front, in the height of the belly. Very cute. It has two thin gray strings that tie in the front and keep some portion of the skirt hanging over them so that they dont show. The skirt is elastic and can stretch a lot but is really tight.

So I wear it one day to go to my friend's house. On my way I think of stopping at the grocery store to get some yogurt for me and fmy riend. Oh yeah we love yogurt. Instead of devouring ice-cream we made this deal to buy yogurt instead. And it works.

So back in my story. I am walking towards the grocery store. I walk up the zillions of stairs of the complex where the grocery store is. I push the door to open. I hold it with my left hand to facilitate the people behind me. I keep walking straight till I reach the entrance of the grocery store. I smile at the security guard who kept on starring at me since I was in the hallway holding the door. "It must be my cute skirt" I think to myself, "cause it makes my long tanned legs look really sexy. And hello, Ive always had guys starring at me wherever I go, so...get over it girl".

Not to sound cocky or anything, but its sort of true. I am taller than the average, have long hair, long legs, cute face, cute smile, strong upper body. No I dont look like a model cause if I did, I wouldnt have time to blog right now. I am an above average looking girl, "a big cute person" its how my afro-american guyfriend calls me.

So yeah, a security guard is starring like a dog, no big dealeeo. I keep on walking down the aisle, I pass the candy section, the can and oil section, ("why is this old guy with his wife and kid on the side looking at me"), now its the dry food section, the clothing section (where I should have stopped) and now I am on my way to the fresh food section. "What is wrong with these people, this girl was starring as if she never saw a tall person before".

Yeah, I get that wherever I am: in the metro, bookstore, at the doctors office, in the grocery store. On the left I see meat and fishhhh... on the right ...milk and butter... and an old creepy beer-belly guy whose eyes are stuck on my private lower area. And oh! finally! here is the dairy section. I make four big steps and I am right infront of the fridge with all the yogurts. Heaven!

I am taking my time. I want to choose the best-tasting, yet low-calory and low-price ones. This should be fun. I start by taking a quick look at the tabs with the price. $6,99 for 12x100gr, $4,75 for 1x750gr, $3,59 for 2x250gr...... I hold each one of the products in my hands to check for the fat, calories, sodium, vitamins... The old creeper with the beer stomach is still standing right next to me and it seems that he hasnt taken his eyes off my lower private area.

"What the heck. Hes in a damn grocery store what is wrong with all these pervs nowadays" I think to my self while giving him the dirtiest look Ive ever given to a person. I keep on starring back while having my left eyebrow up and my right hand holding my waist. "Oh yeeeeah you pig, you feel embarrassed now??" I am thinking. The guy turns around obviously annoyed. I turn around too. I need to go back to my little yogurt research but "aaghhh I just cant believe how some people can be! He is freaking 80 years old, he probably has a wife, kids, grandkids, a dog and a cat and its possible he has great-grandkids as well"

"And he has the balls (he probably cant feel them anymore) to stare at a female who probably has the same age as his grandchildren. Wow!". So I am trying to find the yogurt I was holding before the pervert annoyed me. Where did I leave it? Ah here it is! I reach down to get it but my eyes catch something else, much more interesting: my crotch which is hanging out of my skirt! No wonder why I thought I was getting thaaat many people starring at me today. (read the following with sarcasm:) How sexy and attractive they must have thought I was eh..! All people who saw me wandering down the... candy, can and oil, dry food and clothing section. Oh my goooodness where do I go to hide, I dont want these yogurts anymore, I want my dignity back!!!

ps. I want to thank that old creepy beer-belly grandpa who tried to give a hint of what was going on down there. Thanks again, old creepy guy.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Introduction: The story of a She and a He

-Hey! Whats up! Long time no see!

-I know eh!?? How are you...? Where have you been??

-Aghh you and there... How are things going on your side?

-Nah..the usual, school, boyfriend, blah blah. But heyy...what about you?? We used to talk remember? Where have you been?

-Aghh... i was a student in Grayrain Province remember? But you know... money was an issue.. I was so stressed... Not able to eat properly, like couldn't afford to even go for normal weekly groceries... Stressed about appearance.. Stressed that I had nothing to wear sometimessss! and know how that is when you are young and pretty and you used to receive a certain type of comments about your style etc..

So...had some type of social stress as well... Aghh not able to socialize with friends properly... "Cant come have dinner tonight with you guys, I am busy I have to study!!" Bullllllshit...Ending up spending hours on the internet to find a way to earn money instead of studying... Losing any interest for school cause your life (social, personal) isnt the same anymore...

Aghhh money.. And then you tell yourself... Mm i am gonna use my credit card to go out with my friends, so that I don't have to bail out AGAIN, just once, only once. And then...once becomes twice..and then twice becomes everyday and you end up using money that was never yours through that plastic "miracle" called credit card.

And a month a later you receive the "letter". Ooooh yeah.. THE letter. Ouffff you dont even wanna open it. You place it on your desk, telling yourself you will open it when youre less stressed. dont even HAVE to open it. Cause you know whats in it. But you keep on fooling yourself that it doesn't exist. Then when the time comes... All your debit account has been emptied. And not because you've spent it. But because that plastic miracle sucked it all up, without giving you a notice off course. And why would it? You borrowed "its" money, when you knew you weren't able to pay it back, not anytime soon anyways.

And then you have no money no chocho like my Haitian friend used to say... Cause whenever you deposit $ in your debit account, the plastic miracle is authorized to eat it up. dont know that.

And there comes the time to pay your rent... But.."zero" has now become your new best friend. You see it everywhere, in your bank accounts, in your pockets, in your purse, even in your dreams. Mmm yeah, now you are able to focus and study. You are soo deeply motivated to focus and do well at school. So you borrow from your friends. And you do the mistake to borrow a looot. Cause they offered a lot. Cause they are your friends. And they trust you.

And the time passes... You decide that you have to leave the Grayrain province cause university cant accept you with no money and ...low grades. It doesnt care if the no money situation you were in caused you to not study and put you in an even more no money situation plus debt. You take your pride and start for the Promising Province.

You struggle. You stay at a hostel at first. You try to find a job and an apartment at the same time. No income flowing, but lots of expenses coming out of your pocket...Uhmmm let me rephrase that: your mommas pocket. You find an apartment.. Oufff what a relief. You get all happy and excited and kind of tell yourself you need a break from stress... Bills and expenses yeah are still running... Still chasing your ass.

So you decide to try and find a job. Lots and lots of applications. Ohhhhh yeah babaaay keep them flowwwwing. TOns of them. Millions. Zillions, Gazillions. But get a few offers, but you quickly realize the only job offers you got were either scams or you just didnt qualify at the end. What a luck. Mmmm not luck so much, I would say. So..... what do you do? Wait and wait, even decide to go to a local library to borrow resume books to update your resume. You do that. Spend nights working on your new CV. You re-apply. No-thi-ng.

Anddd then....there goes the bus strike! Ohhh yeah, cause bus drivers of the promising city of the promising province decide they dont get paid enough..sooo lets do a bus strike. No buses. No way you can go to any interviews! Great. A week goes by and the whole promising city is in the merci of the bus strike. A second week goes by. And a third one. A whole month. And another week. And another.

Till you get so fed up of waiting that you decide to contact your friends from the Diverse Province to help you move your bootay out of 'Promising' province. And it happens. And you spend two weekends back and forth promising and diverse provinces trying to find a new apartment, a new life. And you do. And everything seems all shiny and glittery at the beginning. You are happy, excited for another new beginning you've made, your way up to your goal mountain seems a little bit easier now.

And there it begins. It feels safer, warmer. But you've lost everything. All the comfort of your well-known zone, your friends, the people you used to see everyday. You're all alone. Mmmm not exactly, you have one person by your side. But that person is always there for you. For the good and bad. So strange.... An you met like a raindrop meets the ground after a morning shower and then disappears. With the exception that you didn't disappear, you stayed there, kept that 'wetness' right there in the soil.

And who would know...that you would now see that person every day. Which is the beginning of my story my dear friend...

-Wow...seems like a lot happened since the last time I saw you....Its sad to not be around you anymore you know... We used to have such a good time together! We were fooling around so much, talked about anything and nothing.... I really miss you. I miss your friendship.

-Aghhh I miss you too...! Hey lets just stop all this drama cause I am really getting my eyes all teared up and with this cheap mothertrucking mascara I bought, I cant afford to cry.

-Wow, you haven't changed a single bit. All making me laugh with your fake New Orleans accent... Oh well.. anyways, oopss its 30' past 1! I gotta go, my lunch break is already over!!

-Alright then, Oh my it was sooo good to see you! Promise we will "bump on to each other" again on the same spot, tomorrow??

-Haha sounds like a random encounter to me! Chiao!!