Friday, December 7, 2007

?Did you know? [Today: World Records]

?Did you know? (personally...I didn't!!!)
#Today's Topic: World's fastest things
What is the world's fastest airplane?
The X-43 reached Mach 9.8 but it was an unmanned flight. The X-15 reached Mach 6.72, but it is a rocket powered aircraft.The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, which made it's first flight on December 22, 1964, is still considered to be the world's fastest airplane reaching Mach 3.2 or 2,193.167 MPH in July 1976.The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird holds many speed records including flying from New York to London, covering 3,461.53 miles in 1 hour 54 minutes and 56.4 seconds, averaging 1,806.95 MPH.

What was the world's fastest boat?
The first water speed record was recorded on September 19, 1919 when Casey Baldwin throttled his Hydrodome IV up to a watery 70.86 MPH. The current world's fastest boat is the Spirit of Australia which Ken Warby managed to get up to 317.60 MPH or 511.13 KM/H at Blowering Dam in New South Wales, Australia on October 08, 1978.

What is the world's fastest bird?
The world's fastest bird is also the world's fastest animal on our planet. When the Peregrine Falcon spots prey it goes into a controlled dive easily reaching speed of 200 MPH or 320 KM/H.The fastest speed the Peregrine Falcon reached ever recorded was an amazing 242.3 MPH or 390 KM/H.

What is the world's fastest car?Ever since the car was invented people wanted to go fast which soon enough resulted in the competition for the land speed record. Back on December 18, 1898 Frenchman Achères, Yvelines set the first benchmark for the land speed record taking his electric Jeantaud Duc up to a head turning 39.24 MPH.The current fastest car is the Thrust SSC which was driven by Andy Green for Richard Noble at the Black Rock Desert in Nevada.In October 1997 Andy Green took the Thrust SSC up to an ear deafening Mach 1.02, which is 763.035 MPH of 1227.94 KM/H.

What is the world's fastest computer?Apparently the world's fastest computer is your brain, but with some of the people we know we really question that claim. Omitting the brain, and being familiar with computers, we know that this page will probably be outdated by the time it loads on your computer, but as of 5:59 AM PST on Tuesday, November 14, 2006 the world's fastest computer is the Blue Gene/L.The Blue Gene/L was developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and can perform at up to 360 teraflops with a sustained performance of 280.6 teraflops.Just to give you an idea how fast that is, the XBOX 360 performs at about 1 teraflop which is 1 trillion calculations per second.

What is the world's fastest fish?
The world's fastest fish can be found throughout all the oceans of the world. The world's fastest fish has been clocked at speeds over 68 MPH, which is quite a feat for a fish weighing up to 200 pounds.The world's fastest fish is no other than the sailfish.

What is the world's fastest helicopter?Keep in mind that the maximum speed a rotor helicopter can reach, in theory, before spinning out of control is just over 250 miles per hour.Now that you know that, at an European air show on August 6, 1986 a Westland Lynx ZB500, that was slightly modified, reached a speed of 249.1 miles per hour or 400.8 km/h, making it the world's fastest helicopter.

Who is the world's fastest man?
The 100 meter dash is the race that determines the world's fastest man as it did in May 2006 when American Justin Gatlin posted 9.76 seconds, breaking the current record by 0.01 seconds and giving him the title of the world's fastest man. Unfortunately for Justin Gatlin his reign as the world's fastest man was short lived as there was a scoring error and his time should have been rounded up to the nearest 1/1000 of a second instead of down as it was thus his time was adjusted to 9.77 seconds.Justin Gatlin now shares the title of world's fastest man with Jamaican Asafa Powell who has also run a 9.77 second 100 meters.

What is the world's fastest motorcycle?If you enjoy seeing motorcycles go really fast make sure you don't miss the annual BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. During the 2006 BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials Denis Manning and the BUB Racing team set the new absolute motorcycle land speed record when rider Chris Carr piloted the BUB #7 Streamliner 354.832 MPH on the down run and 346.939 on the return, for an average of 350.885 MPH.The next BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials are set to be held September 2 - 6, 2007.

What is the world's fastest roller coaster?
How much would you pay to be the first rider on the world's fastest roller coaster?Jeremy Delong paid just under $1,700.00 in an eBay auction to get the first seat on the inaugural run of Kingda Ka at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey on May 20, 2005.Kingda Ka goes from 0 to 128 MPH or 204.8 KM/H in just 3.3 seconds, becoming the first roller coaster to surpass the 200 KM/H mark.Kingda Ka is also the world's tallest roller coaster reaching 456 feet before plunging back down at over 120 MPH once again.

What is the world's fastest sport?Yes we know there is car racing and boat racing and plane racing an maybe even rocket racing, and those sports are fast, but we are strictly interested in human powered sports. Jai-Alai is a game that originated in Spain and has been billed as the world's fastest sport with the ball leaving the cesta, a long, curved wicker scoop strapped to one arm, at speeds of up to 180 MPH.Unfortunately for Jai-Alai, Badminton has taken over the title, a shuttlecock has been recently clocked at 332 KM/H or 206 MPH.

What is the world's fastest train?The world's fastest train is Shanghai's maglev train. Manglev stands for magnetic levitation, a technology that has been around since 1984 but has not been used commercial due to the costs.Shanghai opened an 18.6 mile stretch in March, 2004 running from the airport to downtown which the train covers in 7 minutes 20 seconds while peaking out at 268 MPH or 431 KM/H.

Who is the world's fastest woman?
The world's fastest woman is American Florence Griffith-Joyner. Florence Griffith-Joyner set the current world's record for the 100 meters in Indianapolis, Indiana on July 16, 1988 covering the distance in a mere 10.49 seconds.

Text by Lance Williams
Picture Search and Editing by Ideopolis.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

?Did you know? [Today: Culture & People]

When I surf on the internet I like checking websites that have something clever to offer, that combine entertainment with education. I usually have tons of questions about life and the world in general and I like jotting them down in my own little notebook before I go to bed… My questions and interests vary from year to year and mood to mood. Basically the concept that I follow is to get to learn as many things as you can in this life… I believe that knowledge and the thirst for knowledge is what keeps people motivated and goal-oriented: acquiring knowledge assists you improve your mental, social and problem-solving skills… As an International Relations student I would say that, any kind of information that comes in your way, should be welcomed and received…

"Knowledge is an organized body of information, or the comprehension and understanding consequent on having acquired and organized a body of facts"

"Wisdom is a knowledge of people, life, and conduct, with the facts so thoroughly assimilated as to have produced sagacity, judgment, and insight..."

?Did you know? (personally…I didn’t!!!)
#Today's topic: Culture and People

1) Why people in warm climates wear black clothes?

[The reason why I wanted to know...] We know that black color absorbs more heat than any other color does. In fact, white is the color ("which combines all other colors" as my mom* used to say :P ) However, I realized that in most warm-climate countries, people traditionally wear black clothes and especially, long black clothes. But what is the logic behind of that?

[The conclusion of my little research] Its not hard to understand that big clothes allow and facilitate the circulation of air underneath. But what I discovered after reading a couple of articles, is that in the case of the black, big and…airy clothes, hot air (that is, in the warm climates) absorbs the airflow that is caused from walking, which while ascending up, it cools the person who wears the big-black clothes. What does this mean? The best self-air-conditioning clothes…! :P

*lol… my mom is a painter :P

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

?Did you know? [Today: Technology]

? Did you know? (personally…I didn’t!!!)
#Today's topic: Technology

1) Have they invented airbags for motorcycles?

Well... as crazy as it sounds... yes they have! I was talking one day to a friend whose best friend died in a motorcycle accident... It was very sad and so unfair because my friend's best friend was wearing a helmet. There has to be something to prevent motorcycle accidents. So I started wondering how we could prevent these accidents other than imposing huge fines for not wearing a helmet. Because helmets not always save a life. If you are wearing a helmet you have 96% chances to survive. But what about this 4%? And then I just realized, that the basic difference between a car (which is considered safer than a motorcycle) and a motorcycle is... the airbag!!

So I started searching online to see if there is any invention regarding... motorcycle airbags! Yes, I thought I was crazy at the moment. And that I would only be able to find the answer in science fiction novels..! But surprise surprise... Honda developed the world's first motorcycle airbag in 2006! The model is called "Honda Gold Wing" and is "[...] part of Honda's commitment to reduce accident related fatalities by 50% by 2010. This is not the first time Honda has developed new technology to make substantial improvements to rider safety[...]". Gold Wing carries a system which is consisted of an airbag, acceleration dectors that sense a potential collision and ECU, a unit that momentarily determines and confirms the collision (in order to activate the airbags). I find it amazing that innovations are being used for safety improvements!

However, there are many barriers in order for the company to design safety-improved models. For example, the engine must weight a lot in order for the motorcycle driver to avoid being ejected over the airbag and the motorcycle. But they invented a safer motorcycle at least...! The bad news is that its cost ranges from $24,349-$24,699... Which automatically makes a safer motorcycle "untouchable" for ordinary people with ordinary jobs. Hopefully we will be able to see more motorcycles of its kind in the future! (safer motorcycles that we would be able to afford). It took them more than 15 years of research and testing in order to invent Gold Wing... That means that they are only some steps away utill they find ways to make safer motorcycles affordable...! :)

By the way... I don't promote and/or advertise Honda! Honda is just the company who invented the motorcycle that answers my question: Motorcycle exist!

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Monday, October 1, 2007

9 Things I Hate About People

9 Things I Hate About People

1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?

2. People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the T.V. remote because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel manually.

3. When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?

4. When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? Gonna Kick their asses!

5. When people say while watching a film "did you see that?". No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor.

6. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?

7. When something is 'new and improved!'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.

8. When people say "life is short". What the ef?? Life is the longest thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?

9. When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here?
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"Can you please stop typing like a tard on MSN?" by Julian Musson :P

"Can you please stop typing like a tard on MSN?" by Julian Musson :P

"Here's ten ways in no particular order that you can use, should you choose to type like a tard:

10. People that dont know the difference between "you're" and "your" in my books are definitely tards. Let's clear it up- "you're" is a way of abbreviating "you are" so when you say something like "your a tard" then you, my friend are actually the tard. The same applies for their/there/theyre and two/to/too.

9. i cANnot FUCkinG sTANd wHen pEopLE cApITolizE randOM lETTerS. What the hell is that about? Is there some rule about which letters you're putting in caps? Or is it just that when you're typing, your tard-hands just spaz out and hit the shift key every so often?

8. On MSN Messenger, when a person types so many IM language abbreviations that the time taken to decipher their message is longer than the time that a person would take to read the message if it was typed out, the IM abuser is a tard. Btw we might be bff, but omg inbd- wtf tisnf! roflmao. You're an idiot.

7. When on MSN, tard-typing is definitely pretty annoying, but I must say that when someone has far too many pictures that pop up instead of letters, it gets to be a bit bothersome.

6. Misspelling words on purpose is not cool. You just emphasize the fact that you are the most tard-tastic MSN user. Um sayn lyk u noe wat um tlkin bout?

5. Some tard-typers tend to get a little excited with their punctuation. For example, "..." is an ellipsis, and is an appropriate way to indicate a transition between thoughts. However, ".........." emphasizes that the transistion in thought took a little longer than usual and thus, the typer is most definitely tarded. Other punctuation excitedness arises with reference to the question mark and exclamation mark. "????????" and "!!!!!!!!!!" only serve to show that you are highly confused about something, or extremely excited, as only a tard can be.

4. Screennames with greek letters can be cool, but if foreign letters are all you use, and your screen name is filling up the screen, what purpose does it really serve? Screennames can also have what I like to refer to as "The Wave Of Stupid Fucking Symbols", which is the overzealous use of tildas, asterisks and other symbols in a symmetrical pattern. These screennames only belong to highly tarded tard-typers. An example of such a screenname would be: `\_/'*^~--<><><>>>> KATIE IS A TARD <<<<><><>--~^*"\_/`It gets annoying, Katie, cut that shit out.

3. It goes without saying that the most elite tard-typers don't just type like the average tard would. No sir, if you are an extreme tard, you need a tard font to go along with your tard-tastic-typing. Examples of this include having a font colour like yellow or white or 'the brightest blue you've ever seen' that is near impossible to read, coupled with the most illegible font that MSN comes with.

2. Typ1ng W1th numb3r5 g3t5 ann0y1ng aft3r a wh1l3. I don't understand why you would type like that, as it probably would have taken half the time to type the above sentence if i would have just typed it normally. But then again I am not familiar with being in a tarded state, so I guess i wouldn't know what that is all about.

1. i wouald sya thtat he numbre on eway totype ilke at ard no msn si toty pe sof ast thta allt he lettser aer jumbeld adn allt he spcaes aer outo f plcae. Slow down, speed typer, if your fingers don't move fast enough its ok to type slower or press delete if you make a mistake.

I am sure if you try your best to avoid the things in this list, you will not be considered a tard typer, and people will most likely want to talk to you more on MSN. I hope this helped to decrease the tardicity of all MSN tard-typers who read it."

"Yours Untardedly,Julian Musson"

--lol this is hilarious!! mUs$on we lvoe yOu~~!! :P

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"People come into your life for a reason"

While studying "Global governance" and relations between nations, a course on the 3000 level, I started thinking about friends, family and relations between people in general… Why do relationships with people who we really care about, sometimes come to an end? My basic question is....How should we face the end...? Positive thinking and willing to move on…would be my personal answer…

"People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime…"

"When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person... When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually... They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be... Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away... Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done... The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on...

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn... They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done... They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season…

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation... Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life... It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant…"

Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a Season or a lifetime...
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