Monday, October 1, 2007

"Can you please stop typing like a tard on MSN?" by Julian Musson :P

"Can you please stop typing like a tard on MSN?" by Julian Musson :P

"Here's ten ways in no particular order that you can use, should you choose to type like a tard:

10. People that dont know the difference between "you're" and "your" in my books are definitely tards. Let's clear it up- "you're" is a way of abbreviating "you are" so when you say something like "your a tard" then you, my friend are actually the tard. The same applies for their/there/theyre and two/to/too.

9. i cANnot FUCkinG sTANd wHen pEopLE cApITolizE randOM lETTerS. What the hell is that about? Is there some rule about which letters you're putting in caps? Or is it just that when you're typing, your tard-hands just spaz out and hit the shift key every so often?

8. On MSN Messenger, when a person types so many IM language abbreviations that the time taken to decipher their message is longer than the time that a person would take to read the message if it was typed out, the IM abuser is a tard. Btw we might be bff, but omg inbd- wtf tisnf! roflmao. You're an idiot.

7. When on MSN, tard-typing is definitely pretty annoying, but I must say that when someone has far too many pictures that pop up instead of letters, it gets to be a bit bothersome.

6. Misspelling words on purpose is not cool. You just emphasize the fact that you are the most tard-tastic MSN user. Um sayn lyk u noe wat um tlkin bout?

5. Some tard-typers tend to get a little excited with their punctuation. For example, "..." is an ellipsis, and is an appropriate way to indicate a transition between thoughts. However, ".........." emphasizes that the transistion in thought took a little longer than usual and thus, the typer is most definitely tarded. Other punctuation excitedness arises with reference to the question mark and exclamation mark. "????????" and "!!!!!!!!!!" only serve to show that you are highly confused about something, or extremely excited, as only a tard can be.

4. Screennames with greek letters can be cool, but if foreign letters are all you use, and your screen name is filling up the screen, what purpose does it really serve? Screennames can also have what I like to refer to as "The Wave Of Stupid Fucking Symbols", which is the overzealous use of tildas, asterisks and other symbols in a symmetrical pattern. These screennames only belong to highly tarded tard-typers. An example of such a screenname would be: `\_/'*^~--<><><>>>> KATIE IS A TARD <<<<><><>--~^*"\_/`It gets annoying, Katie, cut that shit out.

3. It goes without saying that the most elite tard-typers don't just type like the average tard would. No sir, if you are an extreme tard, you need a tard font to go along with your tard-tastic-typing. Examples of this include having a font colour like yellow or white or 'the brightest blue you've ever seen' that is near impossible to read, coupled with the most illegible font that MSN comes with.

2. Typ1ng W1th numb3r5 g3t5 ann0y1ng aft3r a wh1l3. I don't understand why you would type like that, as it probably would have taken half the time to type the above sentence if i would have just typed it normally. But then again I am not familiar with being in a tarded state, so I guess i wouldn't know what that is all about.

1. i wouald sya thtat he numbre on eway totype ilke at ard no msn si toty pe sof ast thta allt he lettser aer jumbeld adn allt he spcaes aer outo f plcae. Slow down, speed typer, if your fingers don't move fast enough its ok to type slower or press delete if you make a mistake.

I am sure if you try your best to avoid the things in this list, you will not be considered a tard typer, and people will most likely want to talk to you more on MSN. I hope this helped to decrease the tardicity of all MSN tard-typers who read it."

"Yours Untardedly,Julian Musson"

--lol this is hilarious!! mUs$on we lvoe yOu~~!! :P

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