Thursday, March 11, 2010

Human beings are Social Beings, by nature.

Today was so beautiful and sunny outside!! Not cold, not windy, not too hot, just right! So I met up with my friend and we went for a coffee at Second cup downtown. So we sit down and I start updating her on some of my weekend stories... And a lady at the table next to us, hears me saying "Haiti" and says to us "Wow, you said Haiti, did you say you know people from Haiti, I am sorry to interrupt...!??". Or something of that nature, I cant remember exactly what she said. Anyways... Long story short, we started off by talking about Haiti and its people and we ended up talking about our lives, her job, her kids, etc...

 She got very emotional about Haiti... My friend and I couldn't believe how some people can be so compassionate... And the lady had no friends whatsoever from Haiti, she was just simply feeling for them cause of what they have been going through after the huge earthquake which devastated them... We ended up talking for about 30 minutes or even longer.... She told us so many stories... About her life, how she met her husband, stories about her daughters, what her job is really all about and so many other things....

She was (well, still is) such a positive woman. So much energy this woman has! So alive! Many people would say "ohhh wow that WAS random" or would make fun of her.... Accept positive energy in your life people. Be happy when other people share with you their happiness, their experience, their dreams which they turned into reality. Be happy and smile at people who found the courage to share a smile with you today, to come and talk to you! Its not "random", it's not "weird". according to Aristotle, it's healthy, it's in our human nature to want to socialize!

Take off your headphones, turn off your i-pod when you take the metro... Listen to the sounds around you, start a conversation with a stranger, share a word with someone, brighten someones day!

God Bless that woman for being so alive and happy and positive. God Bless the people who are energetic and excited about life and their surroundings!

So.... Today I had a great day.... After meeting with my friend at the coffee place and after exchanging e-mails with the lady I mentioned above, my friend and I decided to go to the Museum of Fine Arts. We didn't take the metro, because it was so beautiful outside, so we walked and it was simply great! Here is a picture I took on our way to the museum.

Quote of the day:

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do, are in harmony..." Mahatma Gandhi.

(You can click here to find more about the spiritual leader Gandhi. And you can click here to find more about the great philosopher Aristotle)

***Please do not copy or circulate texts and pictures without permission! Thank you :)

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