Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Is enough ever enough?

It's 4:15am and I am still awake.
Yup, I think I might be suffering from some serious insomnia here.

 Today was so unproductive.... I took the day off, so no work for me. I woke up at 1pm then went to register for some summer courses and then....surprise!! "Mister S." calls me to ask me to meet up.... wow. After Wednesdays explosion, now he wants to meet up.... Sunday all day he was trying to reach me, but I only answered a few hours later... Today was pretty cool though, he came and picked me up and drove to Centropolis at a cafe there... Had a serious conversation (finally!) after a long time...

Long story short: I don't know how I feel anymore. I don't know if I want to risk my time/feelings anymore... So, we gonna take it slow and see how it goes... It pretty sucks though, 'cause I know he feels that if he "loses me" he will not forgive himself... He said I've been the best he ever had (Drake's song plays here tan tan tan) no seriously, he said it, his friends said it, and so on...

Honestly... I don't even think I should give this a chance again. Not because I wanna take "revenge" or to piss him off or anything like that. Pride comes second if there's real love. I think I shouldn't give it a chance cause I have doubts if people do actually change, if they can REALLY change. Does it happen? Old habits, die hard, they say. So, why should I go through this....when I know I can have so much better.... Just for the sake of love? Or love is what matters....? When two people love each other, but they don't seem to get it together, when you get to that point when enough is enough?

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